Saturday, June 13, 2009

Words of Wisdom from Franklin

"I am apprehensive, therefore--perhaps too apprehensive--that the Government of these States may be in future times end in a monarchy. But this catastrophe, I think, may be long delayed, if in our proposed system we do not sow the seeds of contention, faction, and tumult, by making our posts of honor places of profit."
Honor and profit. I recently heard about the word entitlement. It was labeled as a selfish desire--"it demands much, and it gives little or nothing. Its very concept causes us to seek to elevate ourselves above those around us. Where will this attitude lead us? What has it brought us?
If one goes back to the days of King David a period of time in Israelite history and study what leadership meant,what the duty of those in charge was, it takes on a very different picture. David's charge was to protect the families, provide the opportunity for families to care for themselves. They worked right along side the people and fought along side those fighting. Those in charge always got into trouble the minute they considered themselves above the law, or an exception to the rule, or somehow entitled, because of who they are. Leadership meant serving the people, not benefiting from the people. It is evident by those who lasted, who were successful in history either did so out of goodness or the failure of goodness. It is also evident that it is a weakness in man who is given too much power and not held accountable by someone above them , or more powerful to oppress. It seems without such accountability atrocities occur, tyranny reigns and the majority of the people lose. The even sadder evidence of history is the propensity of men to want to turn over their accountability and responsibility for their lives to another individual or group, especially when things seem to be out of control. Our Founding Fathers called it "a natural inclination in mankind to kingly government." Franklin said it gives people the illusion that somehow a king will establish "equality among citizens; and that they like."
Are we very different today? Before we think that history is over and we have nothing to learn. Stop for a moment and consider how many are begging for the government to take over. Even insurance companies represent turning over responsibility for paying for things. We get mad when they don't pay it all, after all we are entitled to it. Don't get me wrong, in that I am against everything. I am just suggesting that anytime we give over a responsibility to someone else, we give over our ability to choose for ourselves. In a sense we are giving up our freedom.

There is also another style of leadership, one that accepts responsibility and accountability rather than privilege and entitlement. History has given us examples of men who lived their lives and gave their talents to benefit man rather than get something from them. Men who inspired other men to rise to all they had been given, to think for themselves and take responsibility and pride in their abilities. Men who do not demand honor because of what position they hold, nor by words they say, but by the very goodness of who they are and what they produce. Honor not by what they promise or accomplish by the backs, labor and money of others. It is easy to spend anothers' money, time and hard efforts. Especially under the false idea that no one is holding you accountable. If we allow this kind of behavior and vote for it, accepting words rather than actions, then in a sense, we can't complain. Someone once said, that in our day George Washington would never have been elected. Yet our country fostered and grew under his leadership and direction. Maybe instead of thinking the past great minds have nothing for us, we ought to try and figure out what they were like, and look for the same kind in our day. Perhaps we should look back and learn the basic principles and thoughts of those great minds that made America and opened the door for our great nation. Perhaps we need to return to history and the basics so we don't repeat the mistakes of history. Maybe we ought to look for men that produce rather than smooth talk and live lives without integrity and void of values. Men whose circle of friendship is more producing than popularity and limelight centered and bound. Thinkers grounded in sound and time-honored principles rather than theories and ideas that historically have failed under the other names given to such philosophies. Just an idea from a mush-brain mom, who thinks about deeper things once in a while.

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